Thursday, August 1, 2019

Life in the tipi was interesting.

Just before I was discharged I had a Volkswagen Beetle, a complete 18-foot Cheyenne tipi, a flintlock rifle, a set of buckskins, a tomahawk and some other basic assorted gear and the dream of living in the woods for a full year.

It’s been over forty years since I did this but even now some of what happened I remember like it was yesterday and some of it has blurred with age.

I left the tipi to hitch hike to Alaska.

I’ll post about living in a tipi some day but until that enjoy my hitch hike to Alaska tales of woe and derring-do.

These links are to another blog I write, they are good and cover the trip on the end of my thumb to Alaska. They are in order and are fairly long reads.

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